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The waves were unforgiving. The storm poured buckets of rainwater on the deck every second, making the boat lull back and forth at impossible angles. The crewmates were in panic. Holes punctured the hull. Thunder rumbled through the sky. We were sinking, but I wouldn’t give up. Never. Running to the wheel, I grabbed tightly onto the bronze handles and screamed—


My head snaps up from my book.

“Let’s go.”

Rolling out of the clinic in my wheelchair, I see the ocean stretching beyond the shore, smell the salt, hear the sailors. I smile. Maybe someday.

About Author

Gina Kotinek

Gina Kotinek is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the SPOT Lit. She can usually be found hunched over her computer, reading, writing, or searching for the art of conquering carpal tunnel and tendonitis.